Headquartered in Clinton, N.C., the 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) has a long distinguished history that dates back to the first World War. One of the five major support command, or MSC, in the North Carolina Army National Guard, the unit is a Armor Brigade Combat Team in the new modular formation. Designed to primarily be self-sufficient on the battlefield, with 3,800 soldiers headquartered in armories across North Carolina and West Virginia, its equipment includes the M1-A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank, The M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle and the 155-Millimeter Self-Propelled Paladin Howitzer.
30th ABCT Battalions
HQ 30th ABCT HHC, Clinton
(984) 661-4708
HQ 120th Infantry BN, Wilmington
(984) 661-6171
HQ 252nd Armor Regiment, Fayetteville
(984) 661-5098
HQ 230th Brigade Support BN, Goldsboro
(984) 661-5407
HQ 1-113th Field Artillery, Charlotte
(984) 661-4571
HQ 236th Brigade Engineer BN, Durham
(919) 220-7510

Col. Paul Hollenack
(984) 661-4743

Command Sergeant Major
Command Sgt. Maj. Sid Baker
30th ABCT Headquarters
(910) 592-2100