Who We Are
Your North Carolina National Guard
The North Carolina National Guard
A military force comprised of over 10,000 citizen Soldiers and Airmen sworn to support and defend the Constitutions of the United States and the State of North Carolina. We trace our heritage back to the 1663 Carolina Charter granting authority to levy, muster, and train men.
In recent years, the NCNG reshaped itself in accordance with guidance from the National Guard Bureau and the Departments of the Army and Air Force. This transformation changed the NCNG's focus and structure from that of a strategic reserve to a modern, operational force. The NCNG postures itself in an evolving environment for success in meeting both current and future mission requirements, while maintaining a Ready, Reliable, Responsive and Relevant force.
60th Troop Command (TC) - Raleigh, NC
449th Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) - Morrisville, NC
30th Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) - Clinton, NC
113th Sustainment Brigade (SB) - Greensboro, NC
139th Regiment - Fayetteville, NC
130th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade (MEB) - Charlotte, NC
145th Airlift Wing - Charlotte, NC
On order, the North Carolina National Guard's Always Ready-Ready Team deploys military capabilities, in support of State and/or National authorities, in order to protect the lives and properties of fellow Citizens, defend the State and Nation, and secure our American way of life.