Retirement Services Office logo

The North Carolina Army National Guard Retirement Services Office (RSO) has a  mission to serve. That mission goes beyond the traditional drilling Soldier and extends to the furthest boundaries of support; reaching Retirees, Families, Survivors, and even the Active Duty Staff. 

Our end goal is to bring the most effective guidance to those who are planning, applying, updating, or discontinuing any and all retirement benefits. This goal continues to be reached through various sources of online media support, mass marketing, remote training, and extended customer service. 

Some more direct services we provide include:

  • Assisting retirees with state and federal pension applications
  • Change forms 
  • Annuity allotments
  • General information
  • Providing resources and points of contact when applicable

Bottom line…

  Here at the RSO, 'We live to serve and we serve to live!'


Survivor Benefit Plan

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2023 includes a Reserve Component Survivor Benefit plan (RCSBP) and Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) Open Season. Open season began 23 December 2022 and will end on 1 January 2024. Open season will allow a one-time enrollment or disenrollment. Note: RCSBP covers those that have received their 20-year letter but are not receiving retired pay. SBP covers those that are receiving retired pay.

Final Formation Briefing

The Final Formation briefing is a retirement services informational brief for Soldiers with at least 18 years of service to explain their retirement options and provide resources to make an informed decision when the time comes to request retirement. Upcoming events are:

  • 7 January 2023
  • 4 March 2023
  • 20 May 2023
  • 5 August 2023

Contact your unit readiness NCO to register for the event


Phone: (984) 664-7892



Retirement Information

Requesting Retirement

Medical Retirement

Age 60 Retirement

Blended Retirement

Survivor Benefit Plan

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