Casualty Operations

Core Values and Goals
Understanding each Soldier, each Casualty, and each Family is unique, and various factors contribute to the dynamics of each case. The NCNG Casualty Operations Team has developed a set skills and experience in providing the involved casualty assistance personnel a framework and basis from which to support missions. It is known and an accepted fact; casualty missions carry an emotional factor on the organization and on the individuals. The casualty mission is unlike any other military mission. Understand that you are not alone with the burden of laying your Service Member, Our brothers and sisters in arms, to rest. The toll on all personnel involved supporting the mission must be considered at all phases of the process.
"The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living" – Marcus Tullius Cicero
What we provide
The Casualty Operations Office provides casualty support to National Guard, US Army Reserve and Active Duty military personnel and their family members, who are working and living within the state of North Carolina.
24-Hour On Call Phone: (984) 664-6566
Program Manager
1st Sgt. Bryan Purcell
North Carolina National Guard
4105 Reedy Creek Rd
Raleigh, NC 27607
Office (984) 664-7002
Case Manager
Sgt. Thomas Neville-Dove
North Carolina National Guard
4105 Reedy Creek Rd
Raleigh, NC 27607
Office (984) 664-6395
To Report the Death of an North Carolina Army National Guard Soldier or Retiree
Please contact their unit, or the NCARNG Casualty Office at (984) 664-6566