Mission: The Commander's Ready and Resilient Council (CR2C) functions as the Senior Commander’s (SC) executive agency and forum for the integration, implementation, synchronization, and assessment of all Ready and Resilient (R2) functions aimed at improving overall health, welfare and Safety of Soldiers, Civilians, Family Members and Retirees across the installation and tactical environments. Furthermore, the CR2C facilitates and shapes the standardization of programs and processes to ensure that resource utilization is focused on improving the Readiness and Resiliency of the Total Army.

Team APG Command Ready and Resilient Council
- Elevate and prioritize public health status, targets and standards, ensure strategic integration of R2, and shift the paradigm from reaction to prevention.
- Assure resources are clearly aligned to strategic goals, provide consistency in approach and accountability, and integrate health promotion into the operational environment.
- Enhances organizational effectiveness and capacity to meet mission requirements through integration and coordination of health and wellness activities on APG. Strategic planning and coordinated approaches to problem solving ensure that goals, objectives and action plans are developed to address disparities in risks at the installation level.
The Five Pillars of Resiliency
Physical Resiliency
Emotional Resiliency
Family Resiliency
Social Resiliency
Spiritual Resiliency
To foster a Ready and Resilient force...
The Army promotes resiliency through the Ready and Resiliency Campaign. The campaign integrates and synchronizes multiple efforts and initiatives to improve the readiness and resilience of the Total Army-Soldiers (active duty, Reserve, National Guard), Army civilians and Families. Remaining Ready and Resilient will build upon the mental, physical, emotional, behavioral and spiritual resilience in our Soldiers, Families and Civilians to enhance their ability to manage the rigors and challenges of a demanding profession. At the heart of Ready and Resilience initiative is a focus on building the person as an enabler to achieving enhanced performance, which directly links to the increased readiness of the individual, their unit and the Total Army. To learn more, visit the Army's Readiness and Resiliency website.